Thursday, August 20, 2009

Gotta explain that song

When i was little, one of my aunties had an old portable record player & a bunch of old 45 RPM records. (Does anyone today even know what those are?) Anyway, i remembered an old catchy tune & when we bought Sugarbear i started humming it & using "Sugarbear" as part of the lyrics. Duane had never heard the song, & i had to do some looking to find the original, 'cause i didn't remember it.

Turns out that it was "Honeycomb." So that link is to YouTube playing of it. I don't know if that is the one i listened to as a child.

Going home from being down the hill, when we get to Onyx Summit we sing "Sugarbear" as the refrain. But Duane got ambitious & wrote lyrics to the whole thing.

Another song we croggle is "Big Rock Candy Mountain" where we substitute "Sugarloaf" for "Big Rock." We live near Sugarloaf Candy mountain. :)

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